"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

1 Corinthians 13:13

Monday, March 14, 2011

Simply Me

As I sit here writing my first “blog”, I feel like that awkward kid in the elementary school talent show…although the spot lights are blinding, my mind is completely aware of the reality of the situation…the entire school sitting Indian-style on the gym floor in front of me with all eyes on me…waiting for me to fail. As I begin the opening line of my favorite song from Dirty Dancing, I wait for the “boos” and laughing to begin….”Now I’ve had the time of my liiiife, no I never felt like this before…” The truth is, at seven years old that was what I loved. Singing was my passion. Now, I’m all grown up and my passion is my family. I’m not trying to be a SUPASTAR blogger, nor am I trying to show my intelligence by using words as long as my leg and correct grammar and punctuation. My posts will consist of what God has laid on my heart at that moment, the funny and outrageous things my kids do and say, the amazing times that my husband and I have, and the crazy conversations and adventures I share with my family and friends. The truth is, I’m still that seven year old little girl who believes in big dreams…my dreams are just different now and coming true every day. I’m a child of God, wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.

A little background info on me and my fam…my sweet hubby’s name is Chase. I’ve known Chase since I was 13 years old. Understand, I’m 25, which is half-way to 30 and I am dreading EVERY birthday for the next five years, so that’s 12 years ago that we met. We didn’t have the pleasure of being high school sweethearts and beginning our journey together at a young age. We went our separate ways after high school and began our own adventures of being "adults." I got married, had two precious baby boys, Hayden, born in January of 2008, and Collin, born in November of 2008. I went through a divorce and, shortly thereafter, Chase and I started dating. We got married and I gave birth to the sweetest baby girl in October 2010, Eadie-Bella.  My husband and children are my world. They are truly my angels. They have made me a better person. You know how everyone says "God has a purpose for your life" or "I've found my calling"? I can truly say that I feel that God's ultimate plan for my life is for me to be devoted to my family. I don't aspire to be some widly successful career-woman, own the biggest house or drive the nicest car. My heart truly lies in nurturing my family and being God's agent in their lives. My 10-year plan is not to have tens of thousands of dollars in investments, but millions of moments invested in my children's lives creating amazing memories of their childhood. My "job" doesn't offer a 401k, but I can assure you that I will be spending my golden years rocking next to my husband and holding his hand with more love in our hearts than the day we married. Our life is really rather boring to most people. We don’t go out to the bar, we don’t party, we don’t have crazy drama…we stay within our four walls of our home and spend as much time together as we can. Chase works a lot and is an amazing provider for our family! I am a stay-at-home Mom and I strive to be the best mom and wife I can be every day. We are just trying to raise our kids in The Word and adhere to God’s will for our family. Each day, He reveals himself more in our lives. We are blessed beyond words and are so grateful for all the He has given us. Our main focus is growing in our walk with The Lord as individuals and as a family.

I will reveal more about our families and friends throughout my posts and, I can assure you, you will come to love them just as much as we do.



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