"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

1 Corinthians 13:13

Monday, April 4, 2011

Time for the Mushy Gushy Stuff

I finally have my laptop back!! It was eaten up with viruses and had a mess of problems so, after a week's worth of work, it's up and going and I'm able to update my blog! I didn't realize how much of a release this is for me until I wasn't able to do it.

In case it's not blatantly obvious, I started my blog with a quick overview of myself. I then discussed my spiritual journey in my next post. My plan is to introduce to everyone, post by post, the most important people and things in my life. I feel that these people have made me who I am, starting with my walk with God. Now, time for the mushy gushy stuff....

My husband's name is Chase. As I stated in my first post, we met 12 years ago. I was 13 and he was 16. We ran within the same social circle and had many mutual friends. Now, it's funny that we're able to look back and discuss funny things from our high school days. In our early twenties, we had our fair share of wild partying together as well. I say this not to sound "cool,” because it's quite embarrassing, but to impress upon everyone that I believe in complete transparency, to a fault even. While, at the time it seemed as though we were having the time of our lives, it was when we were MOST empty and broken as individuals. We were both searching for something...we didn't quite know what, but we thought we would find it at 2 am in a bar for whatever reason. Now that we're married with three children we realize that THIS is the time of our lives. After much soul searching individually and together as a couple we realized that, what we were searching for all along is exactly what we have now. Normalcy. Stability. Family. Love. Something to be proud of. Well, we have it now!

When Chase and I started dating, my boys immediately took to him and they've been thick as thieves ever since. He has always had such an amazing relationship with Hayden and Collin and has treated them as if they were his own biological children. He will fight you tooth and nail if you try to tell him they aren't his children! He's been there for every doctor’s appointment, surgery, hospital stay, meltdown, temper tantrum, milestone, bed time story, cry, laugh, and “first” since the boys were 16 & 6 months old. He cried when my youngest son crawled. He was as proud as I’ve ever seen him when Hayden learned to use the potty. (Well, it could have been relief that we no longer had three children, three and under, and ALL in diapers!) He’s taught each of the boys to swim, ride a bike, and fish. He shares such tender father-son moments with each of them that I catch myself, at times, in tears without even realizing it. He’s compassionate, loving, kind, gentle, but firm when they need it. They have the upmost respect for him and the position that he holds within our home. They look to him for guidance, approval, and praise. He is the right mix of what every little boy needs from a father: a firm, but loving, disciplinarian to guide them and teach them, and a best friend. I mention his love for the boys before our relationship because he says he “fell in love with them and then with their Mommy.” I wonder, at times, if that’s a good or bad thing. Haha!

We got married on April 25, 2010. I remember walking towards him thinking, "Last time I did this, I was nervous. I felt like I was going to be sick. Why exactly do I not feel like that now?" Then it hit me. I wasn't nervous. I wasn't scared. The only thing I was worried about was tripping over my dress and making a fool of myself or my kids crying during the entire ceremony. I realized that, I felt completely at ease and comfortable because this was exactly where I was supposed to be all along. This was the plan. The man that I was pledging my life to was the man that I, for the first time in my life, saw myself growing old with. The man I can see holding my hand while we rock on the front porch laughing at our kids chase their kids. Oh what sweet revenge that will be! I knew that Chase was going to be right by my side through every step we took in life as individuals, as husband and wife, as mommy and daddy, and as two of God's children. I had no reason to be nervous. I knew well what I was getting myself in to and I knew that the committment I was making was one that I would honor because my soon-to-be husband would honor it as well. I knew that there was a deep level of friendship and respect between us that was the foundation of our relationship and would now be the foundation of our marriage. What more could I ask for?

I gave birth to our daughter, Eadie-Bella, on October 29, 2010. On that day I watched my third child enter this world and my husband turn to absolute mush.. She took her first breath and he was done. That was it. Put a fork in him. She had him wrapped from the get-go. Chase has always been an amazing father to my boys, but a daddy's relationship with his daughter is completely different. He will forever protect and respect her and plot to kill any man who doesn't have the same intentions. While Collin was six months old when we started dating, Chase had never been around a tee-niny newborn before. She was, afterall, less than six pounds at birth. It has been such a joy to watch Chase experience, for the first time, an infant evolve in to a baby. He is such a loving and gentle man and it is so evident in his relationship with his daughter. She is so blessed to have such a wonderful daddy.

Corny cliché time: Chase is my better half. He is what completes me. He is my rock; my shield; my protector. He is my best friend, but not afraid to tell me what he really thinks. He supports me, believes in me, and knows me better than I know myself. When we were dating, he explained to me that he learned how to love from his Grandaddy Ed and Mimi. He referred to their love as an “old-fashioned” kind of love. Hence, my blog title, “A Vintage Love.” Everything about how Chase conveys his love for me reminds me of some 1930’s movie. That’s not to say that it’s all roses, opening doors, and pulling out chairs. There is an extremely deep level of respect for the institution of marriage and his loyalty to myself and the children. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, Chase would NEVER leave us, NEVER abandon us, and NEVER check-out of our marriage. That, in and of itself, is a huge relief for me, considering my past. I know that Chase will talk me to death over an issue until it’s resolved. I know that he will, although not readily, eventually admit when he’s wrong. (He is still a man, c’mon now.) He sacrifices his wants and needs every day for his family. He takes pop-top canned soup for lunch and eats it cold, directly out of the can, when money is tight and the kids need new shoes. He gives up his trips fishing by himself at a remote lake and instead spends his afternoon fishing with the boys and playing referee on the banks of Autauga Creek. Rather than tinkering with his truck, he spends his weekends painting walls, re-furbishing furniture, or going to the flea market with me. When he would normally be watching UFC fights, he’s watching “Finding Nemo” for the 76th time with Hayden or “The Incredibles” with Collin. There was a ONE-DAY sale at Bass Pro a few weeks ago and they had fishing lures on sale, normally $8.99, for 4 for $10. Did Chase go after he got off of work? No, because we already had plans to eat dinner with family and he said he would rather buy the boys a cowboy hat at the Rodeo the next day than spend money on himself. Every single inch of his body is selfless. Because of this, he is able to guide us as a family in the direction that God has planned for us. He is able to relinquish his human nature of control and allow God’s will to be done within our home. I have watched his relationship with the Lord mature and flourish. Daily, I witness him growing in to the man that God calls him to be. I have seen Chase on the brink of total self-destruction and, therefore, it brings such warmth to my heart to see him in this season of life. Chase was NEVER a "bad" person. He was broken. Now, everyne else is able to see the amazing heart, mind, and man that I saw all along! All of the layers of heartache and devistation have been removed. He is raw, real, and, undeniably, an amazing man. A man I am proud to call my husband, father of my children, and partner in life.

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